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Bartók Béla út 34. I./3.

Általános információ:
+36 30 596 0093
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Répássy Erika:
+36 20 555 4167
(H-P 14–17 óráig)

„A jóga olyan, mint a zene,
a test ritmusa, az elme dallama, a lélek harmóniája
alkotja meg az élet szimfóniáját.”



Telefonos elérhetőség

Csak a +3620 5554167 (Erika) számon értek el minket, ha mégsem, visszahívunk:)


Október 17-23. között

STEPHANIE QUIRK: Seeing & Understanding from the Base

PART 5: The Energetic Embodiment 2 - the LOWER ORGANIC BODY. For strong intermediate/advanced practitioners and certified Iyengar yoga teachers. PRETTY FULL (pls @ asap if u r interested)




2024. október 19-22.

IYENGAR jóga ABC - kezdő tanfolyam (folytatás) Istvánnal

6 lendületes hétfő délután 18:00-19:00 a kisteremben. UTOLSÓ 2 hely!


Október 28-december 2.

A pránájáma varázslatos világa - a csend (bandhák és kumbhakák)

5 kedd reggel az energia jegyében.



Október 29-november 26.

PODCAST a jógáról és az életről

OKTÓBER: jóga minden életkorra?


Október 13. vasárnap 19:45

Kezdő IYENGAR jógatanfolyam, fókuszban a hát és a gerinc

5 csütörtök este 19:30-21:00 a nagyteremben (max. 10 szabad hely)



November 7-december 5.

Amrita LABORatórium: a gyakorlás és tanítás művészete+JÓGATERÁPIA

SZOMBAT de. haladó gyakorlás, du. tanítási gyakorlat, vasárnap meglepetés:)


NOV. 9-10 (próbavizsga), dec. 7-8. 2025. jan. 25-26, március 1-2, jún. 14-15.

Iyengar-jóga és fascia műhely Istvánnal

szombat 10:00-13:00


November 23.

Alapozó pránájáma tanfolyam

6 szerda délután 17:45-19:45 a csend jegyében (maximum 7 fő!)


Október 30-december 4.

IYENGAR yoga workshop with Garth McLean (USA)

Save the date!


Garth McLean


5-6 April 2025

IYENGAR-jóga oktatóképzés (1+2-es szint)

Csatlakozási lehetőség mentorprogramunkhoz-keresd Erikát a részletekkel!


2021-tól VÁLTOZÁSOK!


Személyre szabva, otthon, személyesen vagy online

IndiaFest, Dürer Garden Budapest, 19 June

2009-06-19, XpatLoop.com | Rovat: Rólunk írták

IndiaFest, Dürer Garden Budapest, 19 June

XpatLoop.com, 2009. június 24.
IndiaFest, Dürer Garden Budapest, 19 June

It was a great success on Friday, 19th of June in the Dürer-kert, Budapest. It seemed that everything was perfect and in favor of IndiaFest. Whole week the weather was rainy and cold, the sky only opened on Friday and the temperature rose to 30 °C. Looks like Sanjiv did some good Karma.

After a hot afternoon, breeze came in the evening. This was the first time to be organized in open air, in a child friendly venue. We could see more than a dozen children playing and running around. The program also offered a bigger variety than before. People started flocking in as the gates opened at 6:30pm.


You could see Sanjiv welcoming everybody and putting Bindi (Red Dot) on their forehead with Milindee. More than 250 people watched the beautiful film Amal, while the others were enjoying good weather in open air garden which was filled with soothing Hindi Melodies.

There was a bit disruption in the film but at the end everything went well. By the end of film the whole place was full of all kinds of people from age as young as 3 to as old as 70. They were from different backgrounds, mostly Hungarians, Indians, Africans, Arabs, English, Australians, south-Africans, Spanish, Americans etc.


You could see people carrying chairs up to the stairs to watch the movie and bring them back down to stage for rest of the program. There were many Indians and Hungarians in ethnic Indian dresses as Saris and Kurtas. A wonderful yoga presentation by Amrita Yoga mesmerized people. When the Sundari Odissi Dance Group started dancing, it was already full house.

Sandhyadipa Kar and her pupils (Mészáros Adrien's dance troop) presented an amazing Odissi dance. Everybody enjoyed it very much, including H. E. Ranjeat Rea (Indian Ambassador with her 2 aunts, who happen to be visiting Hungary.)Than come the party part - starting with Mantradal concert (HU-India) fusion music with the tempering moods of Vivek Nemane's Tabla.


From midnight till 3 am in morning DJ Milindee made people moves their feet in a real Bollywood party. The atmosphere and the mood of people was great during whole night. We have never seen punks dancing to Bollywood music, and they were the last few to drop out at the end. More than 900 visitors enjoyed this wonderful fun filled cultural evening. This was the biggest Indian Event ever held in Hungary.

Indian food was enjoyed by everybody and finished twice, they had to bring more. Masala Market was very happy to introduce authentic Indian spices to the visitors. Congratulations to the organizers !"


Forrás: XpatLoop.com (www.xpatloop.com), 2009. június 24.

Korábbi írások

Blog: Férfiak és a jóga.

Időpont: bármikor 

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4 dolog, amit az online óráinkról feltétlenül tudnod kell,

avagy tévhitek a zoom órákkal kapcsolatban:)))

Új fordítás! B.K.S. Iyengar: a fény jógája

Időpont: bármikor olvasható:) 

Drimál István fordításában

Erika BLOG

Időpont: bármikor :)  Oktató: Répássy Erika